Ask President Trump to resume foreign assistance

Our recent Franciscan Provincial Synod reaffirmed for us the need to bring the Gospel, through our Franciscan tradition, to address the “signs of the times.” One “sign” is the alarming decision by the Trump Administration to all but end humanitarian foreign assistance. This is being done through the practical shutting down of USAID.  

Our province received a request from Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to advocate on behalf of those in need who are suffering, and potentially dying, because of the policy change on foreign assistance. Funding for life-giving medicine, food, and shelter programs, among other services, have been abruptly stopped.   

Two priorities we set for ourselves at the Franciscan Provincial Synod directly speak to our needed response:  

Priority 2: The Gospel compels us to respond to the needs of the poor, marginalized (including women), and vulnerable persons, and our common home.  


Priority 8: We will advocate to change structures that adversely affect the poor.  

We ask Franciscan-hearted people everywhere to do the following: 

1. Write your members of Congress to request that President Trump resume lifesaving foreign assistance. Here is an action alert from Catholic Relief Service to help you easily do this.   

2. Forward this request to at least five other people.  

This article from National Catholic Reporter provides more information about the impact of President Trump’s policy change on foreign assistance is having on the poor. When programs are cut, people who are poor and marginalized will be hurt.

Image: In Guerigan village, Chad, a man helps irrigate the community garden established with support from Catholic Relief Services. The project, called Rebuilding Resilience in Western Chad, or RRWC, helps the community have access to fresh, nutritious foods. Photo by Michael Stulman/Catholic Relief Services