Synod ends with call to be missionary disciples

The Franciscan Provincial Synod Event in Kansas City, Missouri, concluded Thursday, Jan. 16, generating excitement about the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s future after participants submitted recommendations that will impact friars’ life and ministry for years to come. 

Throughout the synodal process, which began last year, hundreds of friars and ministry partners have prayerfully discerned how to renew Franciscan life and stand as witnesses to the Church and the world today.  

During the event in Kansas City, synod attendees discussed proposed actions related to charism, mission and lifestyle that were gleaned from synodal sessions in the spring and fall of last year. 

At the Mass of Sending Forth on Thursday, Diane Menditto, OFS, Vice Minister of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States, submitted the synod’s recommendations to Br. Lawrence Hayes, OFM, Provincial Minister, and the Provincial Council to deliberate on, adapt and issue as the synod report. 

In presenting the recommendations, Diane asked the Council to “lead us all in putting the priorities of this synod into action, organizing us and our resources to bear the fruit of renewal and hope in a community of faith.” 

In accepting the recommendation, Br. Larry acknowledged support and assistance from ministry partners, and that “together, we can discern the way into the future that can bring hope and meaning into our world.

Dozens of people sit in chairs on opposite sides of a room with a podium and table in between. Nine friars stand by a wall behind the table.

The Provincial Council accepts the recommendations presented at the synod. The synod report is forthcoming. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)

The gathering in Kansas City, made of 200 Franciscans in a nearly 50/50 split between friars and ministry partners, narrowed priorities and actions throughout the week. Now, their work is in the hands of the Provincial Council to continue to discern in the Holy Spirit. 

The friars appreciate all who gathered at each stage of the synod and for those who joined them in prayer through the process. The synod report is forthcoming.

Seven people sit around a table with papers, pencils and drinking receptacles on it. One is wearing a friar habit.

The diverse experiences of the friars, Poor Clares, Franciscan sisters, Secular Franciscans and ministry partners present contributed to a rich, hopeful conversation. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)

Experiences from synod participants

Although fraternal and regional assemblies consisted of friars only, the final event in Kansas City welcomed lay and ministry partners into the discernment. 

Sr. Marilyn Trowbridge, SFP, joined the assembly from Cincinnati. She has collaborated with friars in ministry and through her parish’s chaplain. 

She called her attendance a “true privilege of God” and cited the “camaraderie” as proof of God’s presence. 

“As fellow Franciscans, we have a rich heritage that is beyond measure,” she said. “Part of that is to bring it forward to the people of God in various and sundry ways. This opportunity has been wonderful in that we’ve had the whole Franciscan family here among us, and that we could break bread at the table of life with one another.” 

After the voting concluded, synod participants shared how they plan to help implement the recommendations. 

Sr. Mary Connor, OSC, president of Holy Name Federation of Poor Clares and a member of the Poor Clares Nuns in Travelers Rest, South Carolina, said she felt the energy from day 1 – comparing the experience to a pilgrimage to Assisi. 

“I knew this was going to be a transformative experience,” she said.  

“One thing that struck me was that the conversations we had were so serious, and yet, this was such a joyful assembly,” Sr. Mary said, “the way we narrowed the priorities the friars are going to face and the actions they will take will help the provincial and his counsel.” 

The experience, she hopes, will bring clarity to the friars’ future, and bring a more engaged presence to Upstate South Carolina, where friars formerly served. 

"We are part of the same family, and I appreciated being here with friars, seculars, religious sisters and all those who they call the Fourth Order of Franciscans, who love our way of life,” she said. “I hope my community will reach out to some of those on the margins and offer space. Especially young adults who are looking for an experience of church, to come and pray with us and experience our lives.” 

“The friars are looking for answers for themselves, but the fact that they allowed those of us who love them to offer our opinions shows they are willing to take a risk and allow the Holy Spirit to work,” Diane said.

A man wearing eyeglasses and a friar habit reads from the screen of a mobile device.

Synod participants reviewed and further narrowed down the options, praying for the Spirit's guidance before voting to decide which recommendations would be presented to the Provincial Council. (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)

Background on synodal process 

Having heard a reading of the signs of the times from Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv., and the hopes and dreams of young adults, friars and friends spent the week in intense listening, reflection and prayer as they sought to make recommendations to renew Franciscan life. 

The diverse experiences of the friars, Poor Clares, Franciscan sisters, Secular Franciscans and ministry partners present contributed to a rich, hopeful conversation. Together they discussed proposed actions related to charism, mission and lifestyle gleaned from synodal sessions that took place in the spring and fall of last year.  

Synod participants gathered at tables in small groups and filtered through recommendations before each group submitted a proposal for new action and a priority for the province’s consideration. 

A man wearing eyeglasses and vestments speaks at a podium.

“Together," Br. Larry Hayes, OFM, Provincial Minister said of the friars' ministry partners, "we can discern the way into the future that can bring hope and meaning into our world.” (Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)

On Wednesday afternoon, the feedback was reviewed, and priorities and actions were identified that garnered the broadest and deepest support. Synod participants reviewed and further narrowed down the options, praying for the Spirit’s guidance before voting to decide which recommendations would be presented to the Provincial Council. 

The Synod ended prayerfully with a Mass celebrated by Br. Larry Hayes.  

“How will you be disciples of Team Jesus?” Larry asked the assembly, encouraging them to discern one quality or virtue of Jesus to embody and share with others.”  

He assured them that “We are never alone as we go out” as missionary disciples. “We go out as brothers and sisters. Thank you for walking with us and know that we walk with you. Remember that we always have the promise of the Holy Spirit with us: ‘Know that I will be with you until the end of time.’”