In what way is God calling you to create space to bring your whole self to Him?

St. Clare of Assisi serves as our guide for contemplative living in the third episode of “Hold Back Nothing.” In the Catholic tradition, contemplative living invites us to create space for God’s presence in our lives and allow us to be transformed by his love, just as we can be transformed by the Eucharist. Inspired by St. Francis’ vision of the Gospel life, Poor Clare Sisters today give witness to our reliance on God through their example of simple living and prayer.

Br. Tony Luevano’s experiences as a chaplain gave him the opportunity to reflect on the Eucharistic call to bring our whole selves to God. That contemplative spirituality greatly influences his approach to ministry at St. Anthony Foundation in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood. Br. Tony reminds us of the importance of taking the time to slow down and attune our hearts, minds and souls to the people and situations we encounter in order to be attentive to God’s presence in our lives and what God is stirring within us.